The FP&A
Market Guide
A guide to 3rd
FP&A Tools
Author Bios 3
3rd Generation Planning Tools Introduion 4
Abacum 7
Aerys 8
Causal 9
Cube 10
Datarails 11
Farseer 12
Finmark 13
Forecar 14
Jirav 15
Mosaic 16
OnPlan 17
Phocas Soware 18
Pigment 19
Stratify 20
Vareto 21
Vendor Comparison Tables 22
• Planning Funions Supported 23
• Core Produ Funionality 24
• Indury Focus and Target Cuomer 25
• Soware Integrations 26 – 28
Produs to Watch 29
Conclusion 33
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Paul Barnhur A.K.A “The FP&A Guy” is the CEO and founder of The FP&A Guy. He has over
a decade of experience in finance and FP&A working in travel, banking, SaaS and more. He is
recognized as a thought leader and influencer within the field of FP&A and CFOTech. He has
met with over 50 CFOTech companies in the la year eaking to founders, senior leaders, and
participating in produ demos. He hos the popular podca FP&A Today. He is an advisory board
member at Born Capital where he helps identify and grow the next big thing in CFOTech. He also
provides training, consulting, and thought leadership for all things FP&A. Paul also enjoys reading
fiion, running, orts, and ending time outdoors and with his family.
Wouter Born is the founding partner at Born Capital, a venture capital firm ecializing in
#CFOTech: innovative technology for FP&A, Financial Close, Reporting and Finance Automation.
He is also the co-founder of CXO Soware (exit 2018) and former head of M&A at insightsoware.
Wouter has worked with FP&A technology companies for the pa 22 years. As consultant, sales,
entrepreneur, executive and inveor he has looked at the market from dierent angles. He uses his
deep underanding of the CFOTech indury to support the next generation of founders, to drive
innovation, to support other inveors (VC/PE) in making the right CFOTech invement decisions
and change the way the CFO oce drives value for every business. When he’s not busy working
on Born Capital deals or advising other entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses. He’s
enjoying life with his lovely wife & two children. And, he loves windsurfing and cycling. You
can find him on LinkedIn sharing daily insights on CFOTech, FP&A and Entrepreneurship.
Anders Liu-Lindberg is the co-founder and a partner at the Business Partnering Initute. He has
thirteen years of experience in the finance funion at the global tranort and logiics company
Maersk. He’s the co-author of the book ‘Create Value as a Finance Business Partner’ and a long-time
Finance Blogger on LinkedIn with 100,000+ followers and 180,000+ subscribers to his blog. He’s
also an advisory board member at Born Capital where he helps identify and grow the next big thing
in CFOTech. Finally, he’s a member of the board of direors at PACE – Profitability Analytics Center
of Excellence where he supports the development of new analytics frameworks that can improve
profitability in companies around the world. Anders is a vivid soccer fan and ends time watching
matches with his local soccer team wherever possible. He’s also been a semi-professional bowler
for more than 25 years and apart from that enjoys ending time with his wife and two kids.
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
Would that lead to be possible results? I think you
know the answer – absolutely not.
The same approach is being used by companies,
ju doing accounting will only create insights aer the
financial period ends and then its typically too late to
change direion. So, companies work with Financial
Planning & Analysis (FP&A) teams to create financial
plans, monitor the execution, and advise the business
leaders to take correive measures. FP&A soware
helps businesses reamline this process.
FP&A soware makes life easier for finance and
accounting teams.
3rd Generation of FP&A soware
FP&A soware, originally referred to as Corporate
Performance Management (CPM) or Enterprise
Performance Management (EPM) soware has been
out there for the pa 40 years. So, to underand
what we mean by 3rd generation, lets fir look at
the evolution of FP&A soware:
The Fir Generation of FP&A soware included
solutions such as Hyperion, SAP BPC, and TM1. These
are very powerful, sophiicated solutions, but were
heavy weight on-premises solutions that typically took
more than 6 months to implement and involved massive
hardware cos, making these solutions only available
to very large companies with deep pockets. For these
large enterprises the TCO could be more than
$1 million in the fir year alone.
Cloud-Based Second-Generation FP&A solutions
such as Anaplan, Planful, and Adaptive Insights had a
significantly lower TCO, were faer to implement, and
oered increased scalability. These solutions were much
more appealing to middle-market buyers. However, the
implementations oen ill required extensive technical
knowledge and the produs were oen only used by key
FP&A users. Deite being significantly less expensive
than fir-generation solutions, companies would typically
pay between $25,000 and $100,000 per year and more
than $25,000 for a basic implementation.
3rd Generation FP&A soware is delivered as a
service and oers a user-centric design, low co, shorter
implementation times, many self-service features, native
ERP integration, and a quick/high ROI. The typical annual
TCO of a third-generation FP&A solution is $15k to $25k,
with a one-time implementation fee of $10k or less.
These 3rd Generation tools made FP&A soware a viable
solution for small to midmarket businesses (SMBs)
Although Microso Excel is ill the mo used FP&A
tool, this la generation of produs help you with
overcoming readsheet issues in a variety of ways by
creating governance, business user collaboration and
oering full web-based modeling and reporting.
3rd Generation FP&A Soware
Imagine a soccer coach never being present at the match for his team. There is no plan, and
the coach can only evaluate the results aerwards with the team. And, during the match the
players would have to figure out on their own how to make the be decisions without guidance.
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The 1 and 2nd generation vendors are ill out there,
they are ill innovating, they have some great soware
that has helped many companies improve their FP&A,
and own a significant part of the market. However, the
3rd generation vendors are built for a new type of user,
like agile companies, that are digitally native, preferring
point solutions over vendor andardization, that can
take quick decisions and are looking for a quick ROI.
If you recognize yourself in this profile, then you should
consider 3rd generation FP&A solutions when
making your buying decision.
Market Dynamics
The 3rd generation soware market is booming. For
this guide we longlied more than 40 FP&A vendors,
all founded in the pa few years. This group of vendors
is ill a fraion of what is out there, as new produs are
being launched daily. Why are so many entrepreneurs
building new solutions for FP&A? There is a simple
reason for it. The lower mid-market and SMB market
is gigantic and mo companies that could benefit
from an FP&A solution dont own one.
The reason that this is happening now and not before
has to do with the evolution of technology and go to
market models. Until recently it was not possible to
build a sophiicated and powerful business solution
that required very lile implementation time. And, even
when this would have been possible it would have been
hard to sell such a produ without an enterprise sales
team running long sales cycles. Thanks to modern cloud
soware architeures and improved UI/UX techniques,
vendors can build more intuitive soware with a lower
learning curve and self-service features. These new
developments also allow for dierent go to market
models like produ led growth, try & buy, and short
proof of concepts.
The 3rd generation vendors are addressing a new
audience that has been traditionally underserved
and relied heavily on Microso Excel. They bring
the enterprise scale features to lower mid-market
and SMB companies.
The amount of venture capital flowing into this category
has been very significant. Many vendors in our market
guide have received significant funding which allows
them to inve in R&D and scale their operations.
Seleion Criteria and Survey Process
This guide is primarily meant to highlight those
solutions in the market that are not yet covered by
major market research firms like Gartner, Forreer, etc.
This guide wont tell you what the be 3rd generation
solution is or rank any vendors, but guides potential
buyers in their seleion process.
We arted the seleion process by researching the
market and longlied more than 40 FP&A tools. Once
we had put together an initial li, we screened the tools
on the li, looking for tools that met the following criteria:
• The produ fits the 3rd generation definition
• Company has received significant funding or has
an innovative produ and is looking to scale
• Produ is a financial planning plaorm, not a financial
modeling tool or a planning plaorm for other
departments such as marketing or procurement.
Aer reviewing our initial li with the above
requirements, we narrowed the li down to ju
over 20 vendors. We reached out to contas at each
company and sent surveys and received reonses
from 17 vendors. Aer receiving the reonses, we
removed two vendors, one because it was not fully
cloud-based, and one due to produ maturity. We
finally included 15 in the guide aer reviewing the
survey reonses.
For the survey, we asked each vendor the same set
of queions, and the queions were used to help
write the guide and to provide comparison tables
highlighting dierences between each vendor. In addition
to conduing a survey with each vendor, we did a demo
of the produs. For mo produs, we ent time with
the founders/senior leadership learning about the vision
and ory behind the produ. We have tried to capture
not only what we like about the produ, but also the
ory behind the company.
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Julio & Jorge founded Abacum in 2020. Jorge had experienced a clear market gap during his time as a CFO of multiple companies
and set out to create the tool he wished he had. Aer conduing cuomer research with over 100 companies, the founders belief was
validated that a need exied for a rategic finance-focused planning plaorm. Abacum is not focused on creating a produ at parity
with other planning tools but on creating something fundamentally dierent from the other tools in the marketplace. Abacum is a
Y combinator Winter 2021 graduate and raised $25M in funding during its la round in Nov 2021. The company and produ were born
with collaboration in mind and heavily focused on empowering aive collaboration. That is why it created a ‘notebook-yle’ interface
modeled aer soware companies such as Notion and Jupyter Notebooks.
Produ Overview:
Abacum’s planning plaorm is built around collaboration with a rong focus on ensuring the business can collaborate with finance.
This can be seen throughout the produ from the ability to easily comment back and forth to easy sharing of presentations with
internal and external akeholders from within the tool. The tool is built using multi-dimensional modeling with no limit to the number
of dimensions or metrics one can have. The tool connes to traditional tools such as your ERP, CRM, HRIS as well as your data
warehouse, which allows one to drill down to the transaional level of data. Abacum has built several templates to eed up the
implementation process while focusing on making the tool flexible to meet the planning needs of dierent induries. The Abacum
produ oers three dierent plan tiers from arter to professional to meet the diverse needs of its cuomers.
What we like:
Ability to easily share presentations with internal and external shareholders raight from the tool and the rong integration
with Google Slides
The notebook experience in reporting creates a very collaborative experience among the teams
The integration with readsheets, including the ability to support hybrid models with two-way Google Sheet integration
or Excel uploads
Integration with collaboration tools such as slack
Founded: 2020
Founders: Jorge Lluch & Julio Martinez
Target Cuomer: SMBs – 50-2,000 employees, indury agnoic with rong tech presence
E Implementation Time*: 4 Weeks (2 phase process, 2-week Integration, 2-week plaorm training)
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Acertys was founded by Martin Kratky and Hesam Ziaei with the goal of creating a unified data warehouse, planning, and reporting
application using the Microso technology ack. The founders ent over 20 years implementing planning tools, including TM1, and
saw an opportunity to embed a similar solution based on the Microso Azure ecosyem and utilizing Microso Power BI and Excel on
the frontend. Aerys set out to create a produ that integrated all this in one plaorm in a way that was easy to implement and could
serve the entire marketplace, from small businesses with pre-configured applications to large enterprises with the Aerys xP&A Suite.
The founders believe the traditional approach of separating data warehousing, planning, and reporting creates siloes and comes with
a heavy co.
Produ Overview:
Aerys is a unique produ in that it has dierent produ oerings for small business and enterprise business within the same
plaorm. The plaorm provides a unique oering built upon the Microso tech ack allowing write-back capability in Power BI and
Excel. The produ for small business is built around a marketplace oering of pre-built templates that integrate and build a data
model to over 80 common SaaS tools. The Enterprise produ oers a complete planning plaorm that includes the ability to
write-back data direly to the tool using 8 Aerys Power BI visuals as well as an Excel Add-in.
What we like:
The tool combines your planning, visualization, and data warehouse tools together in one plaorm
Plaorm is integrated seamlessly into the Microso tech ack (Excel, Power BI, Azure)
Aerys Visual Planning allows you to update scenarios visually and write it back to the data warehouse
Aerys Apps are pre-configured applications designed to get you up and running in minutes
Founded: 2015
Founders: Martin Kratky & Hesam Ziaei
Target Cuomer: All induries, 10M+ revenue, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: SMB oering 1 day, Enterprise version <= 1 Week
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Causal was founded in 2019 by Taimur who udied math, and Lukas who comes from a tech background. Taimur was exposed to
readsheets as a data scienti aer school and kept running into the typical issues one experiences with models. He kept trying to
solve the problems with code, which eventually led to him and Lukas geing together to develop a modeling tool for the masses that
solved the problems one typically faces with readsheets like Excel and Google Sheets. Causal has set out to replace Excel as the
#1 used number-crunching app and raised $20M in a series A earlier this year to aid with that goal.
Produ Overview:
Causal, unlike other business planning plaorms, does not art by building a data model from your financial syem. Causal has
focused on building an intuitive number crunching app that allows companies to implement their models in Causal quickly. The
implementation process arts with Causal working alongside you to build your financial models and then has you import and map
he data to your financial models. This allows the implementation time to focus on learning how to model vs. ending time defining
your data model before using the syem. One works closely with the cuomer support team throughout the implementation process
to build the models necessary to support the planning process. The produ oers three pricing tiers from the freemium plan to the
business model plan to meet the needs of the cuomers.
What we like:
Soware connes with over 300 dierent applications, including many common ERP, CRM, HRIS, and billing applications
used by FP&A professionals
Ability to quickly assess the program and build your financial model with a free user license
All models art with three easy-to-follow seions (inputs, calculations, outputs)
One can eciently condu scenario analysis on any model by seleing scenario planning and adjuing any input variables
contained in the input seion on the fly
Founded: 2019
Founders: Lukas Köbis & Taimur Abdaal
Target Cuomer: Early-age artup through IPO, typically 25-500 employees, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: 2 Weeks
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Cube was founded by Chriina Ross & Josh Holat in 2018 aer ending many years working with and implementing dierent
tools in the marketplace. Research has shown that when companies aempt to fully embrace readsheets, they ultimately revert
back to readsheets and with that in mind Cube fully embraces readsheets (Google and Excel ) as a core part of the sowares
funionality. The workflows, database, and processes are built with the readsheet in mind and the company describes the approach
they have taken as readsheet native. Cube believes this readsheet-native approach reduces the implementation time while
increasing the likelihood of produ adoption. Cube recently announced a $30M Series B funding round in June of 2022 as they
continue to build out and scale the produ.
Produ Overview:
Cube is a produ that brings your data together in OLAP cubes and allows you to plan, report, and visualize the data with its
bidireional integration with Excel and Google sheets. Cube has focused on creating a tool that fully embraces readsheets as a
core part of the soware’s funionality Cube will bring in any financial or operational metrics you want to include in your planning.
The produ allows you to set up unlimited top level dimensions across multiple cubes with 8 top level dimensions in a single cube for
planning and reporting as part of the implementation process. Your reporting and planning occur in your readsheet where you can
easily bring back aual data and push your forecas into the data model. The produ includes three dierent pricing models to
meet the needs of its dierent cuomers from the Essentials package to the Enterprise package.
What we like:
Bi-direional integration with Excel and Google Spreadsheets
Allows you to leverage your exiing readsheet models as long as your readsheet contains dimensions available in the
cube data model
Cube is a lightweight planning tool that is easy to use and implement
Validation feature validates the entire workbook and identifies all lines that do not return data for each update and correion
Founded: 2018
Founders: Chriina Ross & Josh Holat
Target Cuomer: Primarily midmarket typically 150 – 1,500 employees, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: Small < 1 week, Midmarket 2 weeks
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Datarails was founded in Israel by Didi Gufinkel, Eyal Cohen & Oded Har-Tal in 2015. The founders had the vision to create the fir
enterprise application by allowing the data in Excel to be saved into a database. The founders did not set out with the idea of creating
an FP&A soware tool but a few years into running the business they came across the FP&A ace and realized the tool was a perfe
fit for FP&A and focused the produ on being an FP&A plaorm designed around embracing Excel as your core tool for corporate
planning. Datarails views Excel as the operating syem for finance and finance professionals and recently raised $50M in a series
B bringing the tool funding to over $100M as they continue building out the tool.
Produ Overview:
The Datarails produ is focused on creating an Enterprise planning plaorm that embraces Excel as the core calculation engine.
By embracing Excel Datarails allows you to bring any of your Excel models and use them with the planning plaorm without having to
rebuild them. Each inallation is a blank slate, and you can create as many data mappings as needed to load your data/dimensions
into the database. Every dimension can then be assigned aributes to provide further segmentation of your data such as adding
vendors to a certain account dimension. The dashboard and reporting plaorm integrates with PowerPoint and allows you to refresh
and manipulate data real-time in PowerPoint.
What we like:
Allows you to continue using your Excel models
Do not charge for implementation and allow month-to-month contras
Allow as many dimensions/aributes as available in Excel rows to be ored in the database
Ability to easily create and cuomize as many workflows as needed for your business
Founded: 2015
Founders: Didi Gurfinkel, Eyal Cohen & Oded Har-Tal
Target Cuomer: SMB’s 50 – 2,000 employees, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: 8 Weeks
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Farseer founders view themselves as a band of rule-breaking problem solvers focused on solving planning challenges faced by
data-heavy companies. Farseer was founded in 2016, they operate from Croatia which was also their launching market. Eaern
Europe is an underserved market by the typical FP&A vendors allowing them to gain traion in the region. Farseer is focused on
oering a planning tool that takes many of the benefits of a traditional readsheet and integrates them into a planning plaorm.
Farseer has been heavily focused on building a fa and robu calculation engine that can easily manage data-heavy companies.
Produ Overview:
Farseer is focused on being good at both consolidation and planning within the plaorm. One of the main rengths of the Farseer
plaorm is the robu calculation engine that is designed to work well for companies that have lots of complexity and data. Another
focus of the produ is the ability to easily adju any variable and to visually see the impa on your model. The produ does not
provide templates but focuses on leaving the model to each individual company to decide the be way to model within the tool.
What we like:
Robu calculation engine that supports top-down and boom-up planning blended with machine forecaing
Data import layout is easy to follow as all variables (Metrics) are in one tab and dimensions in other tab
When building models, you can use prediive modeling or build your own models
Ability to create a table with drivers, adju any variable and see the impa on the model
Founded: 2016
Founders: Luka Mijatović, Matija Nakić, Matej Trbara & Zrinko Dolić
Target Cuomer: Mid-market to enterprise focus, $20M & up Rev, indury agnoic with rong B2B presence
E Implementation Time*: 4-8 Weeks, with small businesses typically 5-10 days
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Finmark was founded by Rami, Greg & Jeremy in 2020 with a focus on helping Midmarket companies plan beer. Rami
experienced the pain of a readsheet error firhand at a prior company when a modeling excel error within the finance
department resulted in having to lay o 78 people. This led to his belief that there mu be a beer way to plan than ju using
Excel readsheets. The company arted with a self-service model and today the implementation time for many cuomers is
as short as a few hours. The company is one the few serving companies of $1M or less in addition to the broader SMB marketplace.
Produ Overview:
Finmark has everything you would expe in a Midmarket planning tool including ERP, CRM, and HRIS integrations, dashboard reporting,
and a planning/modeling engine. A rength of the tool is its self-service implementation model which includes the ability to be up and
running on the plaorm in hours not days. Another thing that separates the Finmark plaorm from mo of the other planning tools is its
focus on not only providing planning for companies with an FP&A department but to make planning easily available for companies with
less than $1 Million in revenue and no FP&A department. The tool supports easy collaboration with the business to include commenting,
tasks, aachments, and notifications through slack and email.
What we like:
For each modeling seion you can model in the tool or work in Excel/Google Sheets and then reintegrate your model back into the tool
Scaled pricing model based on company revenue that arts as low as $50 a month and includes a free 30-day trial
Benchmarks again similar companies to provide useful insights
Upload your pitch deck into Finmark and get matched with potential inveors
Founded: 2020
Founders: Greg Lissy, Jeremy Neuberger & Rami Essab
Target Cuomer: SMB’s pre-revenue to $300M, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: Initial setup < 1 day
© Business Partnering Initute, 2022
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Steven and Logan arted the company aer ending many years working as fraional CFOs for series A and B, ventured backed
companies. They both found themselves regularly building financial models in Excel and believed a beer way exied. They arted
Forecar with a focus on early-age artups and venture capital-backed companies. Forecar focuses on providing both a service
and a soware. In addition to providing soware for modeling your business, they provide financial analy and fraional CFO packages
to help provide the financial support you need to manage your business long term. The company has teamed up with several other
vendors in the artup ecosyem to support founders and early-age artups. In the words of the founders, we sell confidence so
you can feel confident in front of your inveors.
Produ Overview:
The produ is oered as an annual subscription and has one of the lowe price points of any of our produs lied. When cuomers
sign up they are assigned a financial analy who takes the lead in building the model with the support of the business. The soware is
ill young and is considered in beta deite having several hundred cuomers. The tool uses multi-dimensional modeling and provides
a great deal of flexibility in ruuring your model. The tool is designed to help you build your model using both operational and financial
data. They currently integrate with QuickBooks and have long-term plans to support other popular ERPs such as Xero, and NetSuite.
What we like:
The hands-on approach to building your model by assigning a financial analy to work closely with you until your model is built
Financial service packages oered to help support you long-term not ju during the initial build
Ability for inveors to direly access company presentations and for founders to track inveor intere in their business
Ability to use proven indury benchmarks to improve your modeling assumptions
Founded: 2018
Founders: Logan Burche & Steven Plappert
Target Cuomer: Pre-Seed to Series B artups, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: 2- 4 weeks includes working with a modeling eciali to build a model
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Martin CEO & Co-Founder at Jirav, ent many years at a CFO consulting firms helping companies build financial models, raise
capital, and develop accounting and finance processes. Aer doing this for several years he realized a gap exied in the marketplace
and set out to create the tool he wishes he had when working in finance, and that is how Jirav was arted. Martin sees Jirav as a tool
that assis Finance leaders, Business leaders, Accountants and Financial advisors to beer help their businesses make smart
data-informed decisions. Jirav focuses on small to midmarket businesses with up to 350 employees and has a rong focus on helping
accounting firms oer advisory services through the Jivav plaorm and this includes being the preferred FP&A solution for CPA.com.
Produ Overview:
Jirav was designed and built with the goal of always ensuring your 3-atement model ties out and that your balance sheet is always in
balance as you make changes to your financial projeions. The produ is designed with accountants and small business owners in mind,
and this can be seen in the simple and raighorward design of the produ from the easy driver-based planning to the cuomization
of reports and dashboards. The tool provides all the basics you would expe in a planning tool data integration, dashboarding, reporting,
planning, and modeling. The tool uses its own calculation engine that makes it easy to foreca using key drivers. Jirav oers three
produ oerings from the arter plan to the enterprise plan to meet the needs of its dierent cuomers.
What we like:
Every plan has a 3-atement model that always ties out, this is a core concept of Jirav
Cuom Tables work similarly to extra tabs in your Excel model for forecaing operational data or building a booms-up model
to integrate into your plan
Easy to build and dilay cuom visuals and KPIs
The ability to quickly and easily add drivers to every account in your model when forecaing
Founded: 2015
Founders: Martin Zych & Steve Turner
Target Cuomer: Typically, 10-350 employees, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: 3 -5 Weeks
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Mosaic a rategic finance plaorm was born out of experiences Bijan, Brian, and Joe, the cofounders, had at Palantir working in
finance. Joe shares how he ent 7 months implementing a popular FP&A planning tool only to be told by the business they would
not use it, and then by his CFO to go back and do beer. He went back and built his own tool that pulled all the data together across
the company and the business noticed the improvement and finance soon had 200 users logging in. Mosaic was born out of this
experience and others which the cofounders experienced aer they each le Palantir to be CFOs. These experiences taught them
that the bigge challenge preventing finance from being more rategic was the data problem and the inability to easily integrate
the data.
Produ Overview:
The Mosaic produ was built to address this data problem and is built on four key pillars: 1. Data 2. Business Analytics 3. Planning
4. Collaboration. The tool is focused on automating the core processes and leaving the edge cases to readsheets. The tool comes
pre-configured with over 125 SaaS metrics, 35+ reporting and analytics templates, and 30+ automated data integrations. All metrics are
integrated throughout the syem and available to use in modeling and planning. The planning plaorm comes with four dierent planning
models (Headcount, topline, Income atement, and baseline). Each planning model is designed to allow you to easily update each key
line item in the process using common driver methods or by building your own cuom formulas. Mosaic is a very ruured tool designed
to tightly integrate within your tech ack for B2B SaaS Companies with at lea $10M in funding. Mosaic oers three pricing packages
that provide access to dierent areas of the produ.
What we like:
Ability to integrate billing data along ERP, CRM, and HRIS data
125+ out-of-the box SaaS Metrics available upon implementation
Ability to download/export key data into data tables that are augmented with key metrics. Examples include revenue, headcount,
employee li, opportunities, and forecas
Indury ecific focus on B2B SaaS
Founded: 2019
Founders: Bijan Moallemi, Brian Campbell & Joe Garafalo
Target Cuomer: B2B SaaS, Series A-D with min of $10M in funding
E Implementation Time*: 2-4 Weeks
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
David Greenbaum founded OnPlan in 2016 because he saw a gap in FP&A tool oerings for smaller companies. David ent the
fir 20 years of his career working in finance and FP&A and aer having the CEO find an error in a highly visible model, he realized
how fragile readsheets models were and the need for a beer way. With OnPlan he has focused on providing a tool that will scale
with companies from day one to IPO. OnPlan focused on building the tool in such a way that cuomers could keep readsheets
but get the benefits of a Cloud-based plaorm. This is why they built the tool with Google Sheets as the core calculation engine but
made it compatible with Excel and Google Sheets.
Produ Overview:
OnPlan’s tagline is “Fa and Flexible”. OnPlan is unique in its approach using Google Sheets as its core calculation engine while
using Google BigQuery technology to ore and query the data. OnPlan utilizes Google Sheet Syntax and therefore no ecial
scripting language is needed to use the soware. The produ is designed with an emphasis on being both fa and flexible and
that is why they use a 3-age implementation process that allows for immediate value out of the box while they end the
time necessary to implement the unique cuomizations needed for every business. OnPlan oers three dierent produ
oerings from the Essentials plan to the Growth+ plan to meet the dierent needs of its cuomer base.
What we like:
Produ syntax in OnPlan being the same as Google for the calculation engine but being able to use the produ without using
Google Sheets
Easy to create and collaborate on various ‘what-if’ scenarios
The tool comes with several out-of-the-box be-praice forecaing apps that you can easily implement
Ability to link your board deck in OnPlan to Google Slides for easy updating
Founded: 2016
Founders: David Greenbaum
Target Cuomer: 50-500 employees, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: Initial deployment 2 Weeks, further cuomization can take another month or two depending on
cuomer needs
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Phocas soware was originally founded in 1999 as a SaaS-based data analytics and Business intelligence (BI) plaorm with no
planning capabilities. But, in 2021 they raised $34 Million to expand the core produ oering to include financial atements and
a budgeting & forecaing model. The company is indury agnoic but has a rong focus on supporting diributors, retailers,
and manufaurers. The company decided to build a financial planning produ aer receiving repeated reques from cuomers
to add such an oering to the overall plaorm. The company allows its cuomers to buy any of its three core modules, data
analytics, financial reporting, budgeting, and forecaing separately or as a bundle.
Produ Overview:
Phocas Soware is dierent from the other tools on the li by oering a vertically integrated company-wide BI tool and planning
plaorm. The focus is on making planning easy and raight forward by integrating all your company data within the tool and allowing
write-back capabilities within your data visualizations and throughout the plaorm. The produ also integrates with several ERP
syems that are common in the manufauring and diribution ace where many other tools do not have dire integrations
with these tools. You can budget and foreca using any data source available in the databases you have hooked up to
Phocas Soware and the long-term goal is to support all operational and financial planning companywide.
What we like:
Core analytics module makes all your data warehouse data available throughout the tool
You can buy any or all modules available (Analytics, Financial Statements, Planning)
Robu financial atements reporting module that makes it easy to create cuom P&Ls for dierent users throughout the business
Easily handles multiple budgets and currencies within the tool
Founded: 1999
Founders: Myles Glashier, Paul Magee, & Phil Dodds
Target Cuomer: $4-$150 million, diribution and manufauring markets
E Implementation Time*: 12 Weeks assumes integration with non-andard ERP
Phocas Soware
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Pigment was founded in 2019 in France by Eléonore Creo and Romain Niccoli with the goal of taking on readsheets to become
the go-to planning and forecaing plaorm for forward-thinking companies. With this goal in mind, Pigment raised two rounds of funding,
including $73 million of funding in Q2 2022. The company founders saw that other parts of the business had powerful tools to manage
data and to aid with modeling and forecaing and finance was ill using Excel and set out to solve this problem. They found that Excel
was breaking for many of the companies they worked with, and this led to the founding of Pigment. Pigment arted by focusing on FP&A
departments it sees itself as much more than a financial planning plaorm: a business-wide planning solution that allows all business
leaders to work on the numbers that maer with their teams in real-time.
Produ Overview:
The Pigment produ was built with three core tenants in mind collaboration, flexibility, and scalable modeling capabilities. The
produ’s goal is for the calculation engine to be powerful and flexible enough to replace the use of Excel and readsheets for modeling.
The produ’s building blocks are dimensions, transaions, and metrics, which can be consolidated into boards. When importing your
data, you can create the dimensions you need to manage your business. The tool allows you to easily group metrics together and provides
the ability to diagram how a metric flows through the entire syem. The diagram tool will show you the dependencies for that metric; its
workflow, formulas, and how it aes other metrics. The produ also has workflow, communication, and reporting capabilities built
into the tool.
What we like:
Robu and flexible drag and drop yle calculation engine
Strong organizational-wide planning plaorm
The diagram modeling capability for a metric shows precedent and dependent diagram and how the metric impas other
metrics in the model
Ability to create and load data at the vendor level as part of the data import process
Founded: 2019
Founders: Eléonore Creo & Romain Niccoli
Target Cuomer: 400+ employees for tech companies, non-tech $100M+ revenue, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: 6-10 Weeks, basic soware training is 8 hours
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Stratify was founded in 2020 by Brian Camposano and is built around the concept of increasing collaboration between finance
and the business on both the planning and reporting side and promotes itself as a rategic finance tool. The company was incubated
with Madrona Venture Labs, has raised ~$10M in venture capital invement to-date, and is focused on building a continuous rategic
planning plaorm. Stratify provides a ruured data model with configurable business logic and be-in-class model templates vs.
a blank canvas modeling plaorm. Furthermore, they are focused on using artificial intelligence and machine learning throughout
the produ to drive beer decision-making company-wide. The company currently serves cuomers in the SMB to Midmarket ace.
Produ Overview:
The produ has 3 primary models for planning financial, workforce, and sales, and plans on releasing a marketing planning model
next. The produ is focused on building a plaorm that can support all financial and operational planning. The produ comes with
a ruured data model and includes business logic out of the box that is configured to meet the cuomer’s business needs. The
plaorm is designed to ensure you underand every driver and assumption that aes your planning models. One unique feature of
the tool is the decision to track workforce planning by bringing in the HRIS syem data, for current workforce, and also the Applicant
Tracking Syem (ATS) data, for planned workforce, so the business can automatically reconcile headcount within Stratify.
What we like:
Use of “tasks” throughout the syem to create automated workflows that involve non-finance akeholders in planning without
having to work in a readsheet
Automated performance anomaly deteion for outliers in your data
Cuomer data is anonymized and aggregated and as the cuomer base grows will be used to provide benchmarking data
and to train the syem algorithm
Brings in not only your HIRS data but also your ATS data
Founded: 2020
Founders: Brian Camposano
Target Cuomer: <1,000 employees, $5-$200M in revenue, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: ~2 weeks for aivation/configuration
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Vareto was founded in 2020 by Kat Orekhova & Lalit Singh with the goal to build an enterprise FP&A tool designed to augment and
automate the finance process without replacing Excel. Vareto believes any FP&A tool needs to take a hybrid approach and be able
to work with Excel. This belief came from Kat’s experience working in FP&A at Facebook. Prior to arting Vareto, Kat interviewed over
50 cuomers and saw an opportunity to improve the FP&A processes with a new tool. The companys mission is to help companies
operate beer by enabling finance and business to work beer together.
Produ Overview:
Vareto’s produ is made up of 4 produ lines Planning, Reporting, Explorer, and Data Manager. The tool integrates with your andard
ERP, HRIS, CRM, and various data warehouse syems to bring all your data together in the data manager. The tool brings in your detailed
transaional data from the dierent syems so you can drill down to the lowe level of data. The reporting seion allows you to easily
create reports with visuals focused on finance and business executives. Reporting includes the ability to automate BVA analysis and
narrate the ory direly in the tool. The Planning seion includes a robu calculation engine and pre-built modules for managing
headcount and expense reporting. The core modeling template keeps the look and feel of a traditional readsheet and includes
three table modes, free-form, time period, and headcount for modeling.
What we like:
The modeling engine has three tables for building models (free-form like Excel) a time period table, and a headcount table
Comes with pre-built metrics, and the ability to create fully cuomized metrics based on individual business needs
Modeling Excel-like interface including funions and ability to easily link pages together much like tabs in a readsheet
Headcount and expense modeling includes the ability to create cuom views for each department in the business
Founded: 2020
Founders: Kat Orekhova & Lalit Singh
Target Cuomer: SMB to Enterprise, indury agnoic
E Implementation Time*: Several weeks
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Planning Solutions Supported
Phocas Soware
Supply Chain
* As self-reported by each company
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Produ Funionality
Phocas Soware
Dashboards /
Performance Reporting
* As self-reported by each company
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Indury Focus and target cuomer
Abacum Indury Agnoic, Mo cuomers in Tech ace 50 – 2,000 Employees, $20M+ funding
Aerys Indury Agnoic $10M+ Revenue
Causal Indury Agnoic Early-age to IP0, 25 – 500 Employees
Cube Indury Agnoic ~150 – 1,500 Employees
DataRails Indury Agnoic 50 – 2,000 Employees
Farseer Indury Agnoic Mid-market to Enterprise companies
primarily in Europe
Finmark Indury Agnoic Pre-rev to $300M Revenue
Forecar Indury Agnoic Pre-Seed to Series B+
Jirav Tech, Manufauring, E-commerce, 10 – 350 Employees
Professional Services, IOT, BioTech, NFP
Mosaic B2B SaaS Series A – D, min $10M Funding
OnPlan Indury Agnoic 50 – 500 Employees, $5 – $100M Revenue
Phocas Soware Indury Agnoic $4 – $150M Revenue
Pigment Technology, IT, Financial Services, 400+ Employees tech
Professional Services, Retail $100M+ rev non-tech
Stratify Indury Agnoic < 1,000 Employees & $5 - $200M Revenue
Vareto Indury Agnoic Mid-market to Enterprise
Indury Focus
Market Size/
Target Cuomer
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
* As self-reported by each company
Freshbooks, Katana
Zoho, Wave
Phocas Soware
Dynamics 365
Sage Intac
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ERP Integrations
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
* The above li includes native ERP integrations (conneors) available at time of publication. Many vendors lied in the guide can work with you to integrate other data sources as needed that are not lied
in the above table.
** As self-reported by each company
Teamwork, Zoho
Keap, Zoho
Saas Optics, NetSuite CRM
Phocas Soware
Dynamic 365
NetSuite CRM
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CRM Integrations
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
* The above li includes native CRM integrations (conneors) available at time of publication. Many vendors lied in the guide can work with you to integrate other data sources as needed that are not lied
in the above table.
** As self-reported by each company
Juworks, Zenefits
Phocas Soware
Greenhouse, Lever
ADP Workforce Now
* The above li includes native HRIS integrations (conneors) available at time of publication. Many vendors lied in the guide can work with you to integrate other data sources as needed that are not lied
in the above table.
** As self-reported by each company
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HRIS Integrations
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
to watch
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Produs to Watch
As we went through the guide and reviewed every tool, we quickly realized we could not
highlight all the tools in the marketplace. In addition to covering 15 FP&A planning tools we
wanted to highlight some other tools in the marketplace that people should keep an eye on.
The tools lied below made the produs to watch li because the produ was either ill
in beta, the produ was not a traditional planning tool or did not meet other criteria for full
inclusion. However, we wanted to include some tools that we believe have potential and
should be watched by the marketplace moving forward.
Company Overview:
Cobbler was founded in 2019 and is a company-wide financial communication and automation tool that works with your other
soware programs including your planning tool. The tools primary focus is around automation of common FP&A tasks and focuses
on deteing anomalies in your financials, automating Budget Versus Auals analysis, presenting your budget to department holders, and
aiding with headcount planning. Applications for Cobbler include assiing in a so close by identifying entries that might potentially be
missing from the books, managing your Budget Versus Auals analysis company-wide with departmental views that include the
ability to adju auals based on business hand-shake agreements, and headcount planning.
Founded: 2019
Founders: Jaime-lee Salazar, Nate Barbeini, & Shawn Rice
Company Overview:
Doublefin was founded in 2019 by former FP&A executives from fortune 100 tech companies like Microso and Google.
Doublefin is an operational FP&A solution that allows business users to work closely with FP&A during the planning process.
Their launch produ is a headcount planning solution for companies with 100 to 1,000 employees. Doublefin allows employee
centric companies (e.g., tech and consulting companies) to plan beer and rategically make the be choices. Doublefin
connes to ERP, HRIS and other FP&A tools.
Founded: 2019
Founders: Warren Wang & Tord Svensson
Company Overview:
MODLR was founded in 2015 in Auralia by Ben Hill and is an enterprise-grade corporate performance management tool. The produ
integrates with many of your andard ERP, CRM, and HRIS produs and is designed to be indury agnoic. MODLR supports both
financial and operational planning, automates financial close and consolidation, and includes a robu reporting plaorm that uses AI
technology. The reporting tool includes the ability to type in queions and have data returned based on the queion asked. The tool
uses a cube technology like other planning tools such as TM1 and can support cuomers of all sizes and induries.
Founded: 2015
Founders: Ben Hill
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The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools
Company Overview:
Stargazr is focused on using AI to provide the business with smart recommendations within the manufauring indury. Stargazr
includes a value driver model, collaboration tool, and the use of AI for prediive analytics and smart recommendations. The value
driver feature focuses on allowing you to uncover the financial impa of various operational drivers throughout your business.
Stargazr will provide you with daily recommendations to help initiate co savings and solve manufauring bolenecks
based on your data.
Founded: 2020
Founders: Juan C. Roldán & Rafi Wadan
Company Overview:
Runway is a financial-analytics and forecaing produ for growth companies. Siqi and Arya are serial entrepreneurs and have had
a lot of success with previous businesses. Several large inveors have made announcements of their invement in Runway. Examples
are A16Z and Hyphen Capital. The company is ill pre-revenue and too early to include in our guide, but the solution looks promising.
The tool appears to oer an araive interface that can manage complex modeling tasks using natural language. Their driver-based
scenario modeling is intuitive and easy to set up. The solution is designed to quickly give insights into business decisions like new hires,
an increased advertising budget, or new fundraising. We are excited about the potential this tool has in the planning market when
it reaches the general market release.
Founded: 2020
Founders: Siqi Chen and Arya Asemanfar
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Cloud has changed all that. A wide range of SaaS tools
are now available at aordable price points making
planning tools available to SMBs. This has significantly
expanded the market for planning tools leading to a gold
rush in arting new planning tool companies. As we have
described in this Market Guide its the 3rd Generation of
planning tools.
As we have shown, significant capital has been inveed
in this market. It’s expeed to go on as the companies
showcased in this market guide continue to build
their produ and expand on their early commercial
successes. However, its also our expeation that not all
these companies will emerge as winners once the du
has seled.
We created this guide to provide more tranarency
to the marketplace. We know many finance and FP&A
professionals are looking for resources to help them
decide on which planning tool to use.
We have compared features across all the planning
tools to the extent possible and told the ory of each
of them. We have also shared our views on what
features we like from the tools.
This guide is not meant to be like Gartners Magic
Quadrant or The Forreer Wave where we pass judgment
on which tools are the be. Its ill too early days for
that. However, its our intention to create this guide yearly
and continue to provide more visibility into the planning
and more widely CFOTech market for finance and FP&A
We appreciate any feedback you may have for this guide
and suggeions for how to improve for the next edition.
You can reach out to any one of Wouter, Paul, and Anders
and find our conta information below. We hope that you
will find this guide insighul and that it will help you and
your company make the be possible choices when it
comes to planning tools going forward.
There was a time when a planning tool was reserved for blue chip companies. They required
large on-premises inallations and countless hours of expensive consulting cos. On top of
that, you had to add high per-user license fees. And at be what you got was a complex model
that required ecialis to operate, maintain, and change when needed. The wor part was
that it was dicult to underand for mo business leaders. Mo other companies were uck
with readsheets and ran manual and error-prone processes.
The FP&A Market Guide – A guide to 3rd Generation FP&A Tools