AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Arts, Sciences & Engineering Non-tenure Faculty Guidelines
(Applies to appointments with primary teaching responsibilities)
Instructional Track Faculty
The Instructional Track in Arts, Sciences & Engineering is available for individuals engaged principally
in undergraduate teaching (e.g., classroom instruction, individual mentoring, pedagogy) and who play
significant roles in shaping and managing undergraduate programs.
Faculty in these positions have
appointments that range from 9 to 12 months, depending on the distribution of responsibilities.
Appointments are multi-year with the possibility of promotion to higher ranks based on the criteria below.
The Instructional Track provides the titles of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.
Instructional track faculty have broad rights as full participants in the undergraduate affairs of their
departments and in the undergraduate-related activities in Arts, Sciences and Engineering. Faculty
in this track may work with graduate students, but they must petition the University Office of
Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs prior to inclusion in committees for PhD qualifying
exam or PhD thesis defenses. Please see the University Graduate Studies Regulations.
Faculty in this track have all the obligations and privileges described in the Faculty Handbook unless
noted to the contrary in this document. Faculty in the instructional track will not be eligible for
academic leave of absences, which are intended principally to strengthen disciplinary research and
scholarship. Faculty may apply for support for professional development (e.g., attending
Principal Duties
Instructional track faculty are expected to be engaged in undergraduate teaching and mentoring, and with
the development and management of undergraduate programs and degree requirements. As is the case for
tenure-track faculty, teaching loads and other duties are set by the department chair with the approval of
the dean. The typical teaching load is six standard courses or the equivalent. Equivalencies vary by field
but may take into account the teaching of very large or complex courses, service, advising, curricular
development, or other related work.
Instructional track faculty are expected to remain conversant with advances in their field and be engaged
in research, scholarship, and/or creative work to the extent that it supports their development as
pedagogical experts in their field(s). This engagement may take various forms, including
attending or presenting at conferences/meetings, or participation in a lab, or publishing, or
developing community partnerships, or joining department seminars/ workshops, or including
recent scholarship in teaching materials, etc. We do not categorically value any one form of
engagement over another; each faculty member should determine, in consultation with their
department chair/program director and colleagues, what is most appropriate for their work.
Committees and Service
Sources of funding include the Hajim Instructional Conference and Travel Grant (HICAT), Course development grants at the
Center for Community Engagement.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
The table in Appendix A summarizes eligibility for committee service in AS&E.
Departmental Instructional track faculty should as far as possible be full participants in the life of their
departments or programs and be encouraged and expected to serve on departmental committees relating to
undergraduate education. Such faculty are eligible to participate in departmental recruitment committees
and on promotion committees for faculty within their track. Instructional track faculty are not eligible for
appointment as department chairs.
School/College Instructional track faculty are eligible to serve in general faculty meetings of the Faculty
Council. They are also eligible to participate in College committees related to undergraduate education (e.g.,
Curriculum Committee, Board of Academic Honesty, Administrative Committee). At the discretion of the
dean, they may be invited to participate in committees related to graduate education or other school matters
Three years of service at the rank of Assistant Professor is a pre-requisite for appointment to School and
College committees; for this reason, instructional track faculty may serve on these committees only after
renewal of their initial three-year appointment (see later on duration of appointments).
University The involvement of instructional track faculty in committees and governance at the
University level (e.g., Faculty Senate) will be guided by the rules and regulations of those bodies.
Instructional track faculty will be subject to University rules on participation in doctoral committees.
General Criteria for Appointment and Promotion in the Instructional Track – All Ranks
(See additional information below for rank-specific requirements)
Terminal degree (e.g., Ph.D.) or professional equivalent. Dean’s approval required, following
department/program recommendation.
Primarily full-time, but part-time allowed in exceptional cases. Benefits eligibility based on
employment status.
Initial appointment term for three years; reappointment will typically be for four years. There is
no guarantee of reappointment for any rank. Reappointment within the track is based on
satisfactory performance (see next bullet) and departmental and School need.
Annual review, which includes a discussion with departmental chair and materials provided in
one’s Faculty Activity Report (FAR).
No “up-or-out” provision for promotion or maximum time within rank.
No possibility of conversion from this track to a tenure-track position (but no restriction on
applying for tenure-track positions). A faculty member in this track who is subsequently
appointed to a position in the tenure track would not be considered to have had any ‘time in rank’
for the purposes of calculating allowable years of service per the Faculty Handbook.
National search typically required for new appointments.
Letters of support for initial appointment and promotion within the track: Refer to guidelines
below. Templates with suggested wording for referee letter requests for promotion to Associate
Professor NT and Professor NT are included below.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Criteria for Initial Appointment and Promotion
Assistant Professor (instruction)
In addition to the general criteria outlined above, this appointment requires:
Clear potential for success in teaching undergraduates, including strong interest in curriculum
design and innovative pedagogies.
Past success in collaborating with colleagues and with assisting in the management of academic
A record of scholarly and/or creative achievement and/or specialized expertise in industry
(e.g., demonstrated involvement and practice in the field).
PhD required, or other appropriate terminal degree.
Associate Professor (instruction)
In addition to the general criteria outlined above, this appointment requires:
Minimum of six years in previous rank, or equivalent experience.
Record of excellence in classroom teaching, mentoring undergraduates, and in the development
of new courses, curricula, and innovative pedagogies.
Proven effectiveness in collaborating with colleagues and assisting in the management of
academic programs. Record of service on departmental, school or University committees and/or
governance activities.
Continued engagement with scholarship or creative work, with proven success in contributing
to the field or translating this knowledge of field into the classroom and other educational
activities. If an individual faculty member’s responsibilities are such that evidence of active
continued engagement in the field is not considered necessary, the review committee and/or
department chair should explicitly address the issue in their report.
Professor (instruction)
In addition to the general criteria outlined above, this appointment requires:
Minimum of six years in previous rank, or equivalent experience.
Sustained record of excellence in classroom teaching, mentoring undergraduates, and in the
development of new courses, curricula, and innovative pedagogies. Proven success in mentoring
students and faculty on best practices in pedagogy.
Proven effectiveness in collaborating with colleagues and assisting in the management of
academic programs. Strong record of service on departmental, school or University committees
and/or governance activities.
Continued engagement with scholarship or creative work, with proven success in contributing
to the field or translating this knowledge of field into the classroom and other educational
activities. If an individual faculty member’s responsibilities are such that evidence of active
continued engagement in the field is not considered necessary, the review committee and/or
department chair should explicitly address the issue in their report.
Evidence of excellent standing as an educator (e.g., presentations at national conferences, strong
record of publications on pedagogical issues, course development, significant innovations to
existing and/or new curricula)
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Relationship of Instructional Track Titles to other Non-Tenured Faculty Appointments
(Lecturer/Sr. Lecturer)
The instructional track described here supersedes the previous AS&E definition (pre-2017-2018) for non-
tenure track faculty in the Assistant/Associate/Professor positions.
In addition to those in the instructional track, full-time faculty who have primary teaching responsibilities
hold functional titles such as lecturer and senior lecturer. To distinguish from the instructional track,
these are referred to as ‘teaching track faculty’. These individuals are hired to teach for a limited term
without expectation of other service to the department or University. Those who hold the title of lecturer
and senior lecturer may be considered for conversion to the instructional track, with appropriate length of
service, positive review and appropriate recommendation from their department chair.
Adjunct faculty appointments remain for those individuals contracted to teach on a per course basis.
These appointments may also be used for individuals with independent professional careers and for whom
formal affiliation will mutually benefit the department and the individuals.
Faculty holding research appointments (e.g., Scientist, Engineer) may teach courses and supervise
undergraduate research in their areas of expertise; as in the past, these instructional contributions will
be recognized through the additional title of lecturer.
Review for determination of Reappointment, Promotion or Non-renewal for those with a
multi-year appointment
Instructional track and teaching faculty with multi-year appointments are required to complete a FAR
(Faculty Activity Report) annually for activities during the previous calendar year. FARs are reviewed by
one’s respective department chair/program director. These faculty should be included in the
director/chair’s evaluations of faculty and annual report provided to the respective school dean.
Process and timeline for review of materials for reappointment or recommended promotion follows:
Chairs/program directors conduct a review on each full-time faculty member (instructional and
teaching) who holds a multi-year appointment.
Although the chair typically initiates the review process for promotion, instructional-track faculty
may request that all department/program faculty of appropriate rank vote on the matter if they
consider themselves ready for review.
In addition to chair/program director review, an ad hoc committee (generally 3) of faculty at the
appropriate rank (appropriate rank = faculty at or above the rank the individual being reviewed
will hold) reviews assembled materials with consideration to the stated criteria for reappointment
at or promotion to the relevant rank. If a program/department does not have enough faculty
within it to warrant ad hoc committee construction, the ad hoc committee should be assembled
from adjacent programs/departments. The director/chair can consult the relevant school dean for
guidance if needed. In most cases the director/chair will appoint the committee and not serve on
it, however, where review is within a small program/department (e.g., SBAI, GIDS), the
director/chair is allowed to serve on the committee.
The review committee submits a recommendation letter that the department chair endorses/signs,
or the chair may write a brief statement supporting the committee’s findings. If there is a
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
difference in opinion, the school dean would then decide how to move forward.
All recommendations must include a description of the process by which the candidate was
Should review be conducted and a decision made not to renew, the chair/director must write a
narrative to the respective school dean outlining the reasons for non-renewal and describing the
process by which the individual was reviewed by faculty at the appropriate rank. The full dossier
of materials should accompany this narrative.
Required materials (see Appendix C below) are submitted to the Dean’s office 16 months before
the end of a faculty member’s appointment. For example, for someone with an end date of June
30, 2022 materials are submitted no later than February of 2021. This allows time for review of
materials by the Dean’s office, construction of contract renewal, promotion notification or notice
of non-reappointment one year before the contract end date.
In cases of promotion where the department chair/program director is not at or above the rank
that the individual being reviewed would hold (for instance, if the chair is an associate professor
and the case at hand is for promotion to full professor of instruction), the chair’s statement should
not contain an additional review of the candidate’s qualifications. Rather, it should be limited to
the process by which the candidate was evaluated and the level of support in the department for
the promotion (e.g., selection of the committee, vote count, etc.).
Similar to the reappointment process for tenure track faculty, renewal of appointment would not
change the initial appointment term. Therefore, in the example above the individual with an end
date of June 30, 2022 would receive a letter to confirm continuation of their appointment for X
years, however, the new term would be added on after the original end date. For example, a first
appointment is for three years from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022. Notification is provided
no later than May of 2021 that the appt would renew for an additional 4 years which would
extend the end date to June 30, 2026.
When a promotion is recommended and approved, the promotion takes effect immediately at the
beginning of the upcoming academic year. In the example above, if the individual were being
promoted to Associate Professor, the effective date would be July 1, 2021 and would not be
delayed until the end of the current appointment term.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Information regarding non-renewal:
Non-tenure faculty with the title of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor or professor are
required written notification of renewal (or non-renewal) as required in the University Faculty Handbook
(page 21)
Directly from the University Faculty Handbook July 2020
Notification of Reappointment or Termination of an instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or
professor on an appointment of two years or less must be notified in writing, five months before the
appointment expires, whether or not they are to be reappointed. An assistant professor, associate professor,
or professor without tenure whose total appointments at these ranks exceed two years must be notified in
writing, not later than one year before the appointment expires, whether or not they are to be reappointed.
Failure to receive notification does not entitle a faculty member to reappointment, promotion, or tenure. If
they have not been notified, the dean or director of the school should be informed, and a prompt response
will be provided. (If a prompt response is not obtained, the faculty member should consult with the provost or
the president.) If the response is to inform the individual of termination, then the termination shall not be
sooner than five months from the sending of the response in the case of individuals on appointments of two
years or less, or one year in the case of individuals whose total appointments at these ranks exceed two
Non-tenure Faculty with one-year or two-year appointments
One-year and two-year non-tenure faculty appointments must contain verbiage to confirm that the
appointment will terminate upon its end date, unless discussion of a new appointment is initiated before the
end date. The one-year and two-year faculty offer letter template on the AS&E intranet for use by all
programs and departments contains the following language. Faculty with a one or two-year appointment are
not required to complete a Faculty Activity Report as multi-year appointed faculty are.
Your appointment will expire on xx date (this date is one year/two years from the effective date of the
appointment). Should there be an opportunity to discuss a new contract your department chair/program
director will be in contact with you prior to the end of your appointment.
Example of timeline for faculty member with an end date in June 2025
Late Summer/ early Fall 2023
The Faculty Affairs office for AS&E will confirm with each program/department the list of non-tenure
faculty who have multi-year appointments whose contract end dates are June 2024. This communication is to
be sure the Deans’ office and department records are in sync. Departments should keep their own internal
timeline of review of faculty, which may start before the late summer/early fall correspondence from Faculty
The department chair/program director will oversee review of each faculty member for determination of
reappointment, promotion if applicable or notice of non-renewal. There is no required timeline for
promotion of non-tenure faculty.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Spring 2024 - No later than February 1, 2024
Departments upload appropriate documentation for each faculty member in a folder created and shared by
Faculty Affairs in BOX.
No later than April 1, 2024
The relevant school dean will complete review.
No later than May 1, 2024
Correspondence (reappointment, promotion or non-renewal letter) will be sent to faculty for signature with a
copy to programs/departments. Department chairs/directors will be consulted with regard to terms of a new
contract letter with regard to teaching and other responsibilities.
No later than May 15, 2024
Return of signed letters will be required by mid-May.
No later than May 31, 2024
Departments send appropriate reappointment, promotion or termination (faculty 510) form to the Deans’
Office for processing by emailing the form and signed offer letter to
The Faculty Affairs Office will provide the Provost’s office materials for non-tenure faculty members in the
rank of Associate or Full Professor so that Provost approval can be granted as required. The Faculty Affairs
Office will send a copy of the Provost confirmation letter by email to the department
administrator/chair/program director for their departmental records.
The Provost reviews appointment actions on a monthly basis throughout the academic year, and usually
during each summer month. It is important that the timeline above is followed so that submission of
materials to the Provost is not delayed and in turn the faculty member’s promotion/possible salary delayed
beyond July 1.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Suggested Wording for Referee Letter Requests
The following two letter templates contain suggested wording to aid in the solicitation of internal letters
of support for promotion to Associate Professor (non-tenure) of Instruction and promotion to Professor
(non-tenure) of Instruction.
Associate Professor (non-tenure) of Instruction (internal candidate)
Dear :
, currently an Assistant Professor (non-tenure) of Instruction in the Department of
/ Program, is being considered for promotion to Associate Professor (non-tenure)
of Instruction. I am writing to ask your help in assessing Professor 's performance in their role.
I would be very grateful for your frank analysis of the candidate's academic activities.
If you are able to advise us, it would be especially helpful if your letter could address the following,
commenting on both strengths and weaknesses:
Teaching: The effectiveness of their classroom teaching, mentoring of undergraduates, and
development of new curricula and innovative pedagogies as well as any practices that promote
inclusive teaching, learning, and mentoring.
Scholarship: Assessment of Professor ’s continued engagement with research, scholarship,
and/or creative work , and translation of this knowledge into the classroom and other
educational activities.
Service: Professor’s collaboration with colleagues and assistance in the management of
academic programs as well as their record of service on departmental, school, or University
committees and/or governance activities. Please also comment on any broader impacts of the
candidate’s service, including those that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
I enclose their curriculum vitae as well as a statement that describes their contributions to the
department or program, engagement in scholarship, and any expansion of duties and
I realize that this request may be an imposition, but, as you know, assessments of the kind we hope you
will be able to provide are essential components of a proper review for promotion.
I thank you in advance for your willingness to assist in this review. Please send your assessment by
. Your reply will, of course, remain confidential within our review process.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Professor (non-tenure) of Instruction (internal candidate)
Dear :
, currently an Associate Professor (non-tenure) of Instruction in the Department of
/ Program, is being considered for promotion to Professor (non-tenure) of Instruction. I am
writing to ask your help in assessing Professor 's performance in his/her role. I would be very grateful
for your frank analysis of the candidate's academic activities.
If you are able to advise us, it would be especially helpful if your letter could address the following,
commenting on both strengths and weaknesses:
Teaching: The effectiveness of their classroom teaching, mentoring of undergraduates, and
development of new curricula and innovative pedagogies as well as any practices that promote
inclusive teaching, learning, and mentoring.
Scholarship: Assessment of Professor ’s continued engagement with research, scholarship,
and/or creative work, and translation of this knowledge into the classroom and other
educational activities.
Service: Professor’s collaboration with colleagues and assistance in the management of
academic programs as well as their record of service on departmental, school, or University
committees and/or governance activities. Please also comment on any broader impacts of the
candidate’s service, including those that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
I enclose their curriculum vitae as well as a statement that describes their contributions to the
department or program, engagement in scholarship, and any expansion of duties and
I realize that this request may be an imposition, but, as you know, assessments of the kind we hope you
will be able to provide are essential components of a proper review for promotion.
I thank you in advance for your willingness to assist in this review. Please send your assessment by
. Your reply will, of course, remain confidential within our review process.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Appendix A: Eligibility for AS&E Committee Service
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Appendix B: Non-tenure Instructional/Non-tenure Teaching Job Codes
Job code descriptors below include attributes such as T = Teaching, S = Service. These job codes require
the attributes assigned, although individuals in them may participate in research.
The instructional track makes use of these job codes:
Job code 0110: Asst Prof: T, S. Functional title: Assistant Professor (of instruction).
Job code 0111: Assoc Prof: T, S. Functional title: Associate Professor (of instruction).
Job code 0012: Professor: T, S. Functional title: Professor (of instruction).
Appointments for full-time teaching faculty make use of these job codes:
Job Code 021: Instructor: T Functional title: Lecturer (non-tenure).
Job Code 019: Sr. Instructor: T. Functional title: Senior Lecturer (non-tenure).
Conversion of teaching appointments is an administrative process. Conversion does not automatically
carry a salary increase, which would need to be justified separately.
Conversion Options for Faculty in Non-Tenured Positions from Lecturer/Sr.
Lecturer to the Instructional Track
Senior Lecturer
If qualified, can be considered for conversion to Associate Professor.
If qualified can be considered for promotion to Professor.
Lecturer or FT Instructor
If qualified, can be considered for conversion to Assistant Professor.
If qualified can be considered for promotion to Associate Professor.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Appendix C:
Materials required at each rank for initial appointment, reappointment and promotion.
Should review be conducted and a decision made not to renew, the chair/director must write a narrative
to the respective school dean outlining the reasons for non-renewal and describing the process by which
the individual was reviewed by faculty at the appropriate rank. In addition to the chair/director
narrative, the full dossier of materials that were reviewed are shared with the respective dean(s).
Each year, the Faculty Affairs Office will create departmental folders in BOX, in which will be a folder
for each Instructional or teaching faculty member where materials can be uploaded for dean review.
Assistant Professor
1. Current CV
2. 2-3 letters of recommendation
3. Detailed description of proposed duties
4. Teaching recordIncorporate same requirement for TT
5. Written statement from candidate describing potential for success teaching
undergraduates, interest in curriculum design and innovative pedagogies,
past success in collaborating with colleagues and managing academic
programs, and record of scholarly or creative achievement, or expertise in
6. Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Reappointment at
same rank
1. Current CV
2. Satisfactory faculty activity report reviewed by the department chair
3. Teaching and service record since appointed as Assistant Professor
4. Written recommendation from the faculty review committee that evaluates
the candidate’s contributions to the department/program, the quality of
their teaching, their engagement with research, scholarship, and/or creative
work, and any expansion of duties and responsibilities.
5. Statement/recommendation from the director/chair. The program
director/department chair may sign the faculty committee report or include
a brief statement to support the committee’s findings in their report to the
dean that includes the process by which faculty at the same rank reviewed
the reappointment.
6. Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Promotion to
Current CV.
2-3 internal letters from those at rank of associate professor or higher
that include attestation to teaching skills or other duties.
Written statement from candidate describing contributions to
department/program, engagement with research, scholarship, and/or
creative work, and any expansion of duties and responsibilities.
List of courses taught with enrollments each year for the past 3 years
and evaluations.
Written recommendation from the faculty review committee that
evaluates the candidate’s contributions to the department/program, the
quality of their teaching, their engagement with research, scholarship,
and/or creative work, and any expansion of duties and responsibilities.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Statement/recommendation from the director/chair. The program
director/department chair may sign the committee report or include a
brief statement to support the committee’s findings in their report to
the dean that includes the process by which faculty at the same rank
reviewed the promotion.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Associate Professor
Initial Appointment
1. Current CV.
2. 3-5 letters of recommendation.
3. Teaching record/evaluations.
4. Written statement from candidate describing potential for success
teaching undergraduates, interest in curriculum design and innovative
pedagogies, past success in collaborating with colleagues and managing
academic programs, and record of scholarly or creative achievement, or
expertise in industry.
5. Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Reappointment at
same rank
Current CV.
Satisfactory faculty activity report reviewed by the department chair.
Teaching and service record since promoted or initial appt as
associate professor.
Written recommendation from the review committee that evaluates
the candidate’s contributions to the department/program, the quality
of their teaching, their engagement with research, scholarship,
and/or creative work, and any expansion of duties and
Statement/recommendation from the director/chair. The program
director/department chair may sign the faculty committee report or
include a brief statement to support the committee’s findings in their
report to the dean that includes the process by which faculty at the
same rank reviewed the reappt.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Promotion to
Current CV.
2-3 internal letters from those at the rank of full professor to
include attestation to teaching skills or other duties.
Written statement from candidate describing contributions to
department/program, engagement with research, scholarship, and/or
creative work and any expansion of duties and responsibilities.
List of courses taught since with enrollments each year for the past 3
years and evaluations.
Written recommendation from the faculty review committee that
evaluates the candidate’s contributions to the department/program,
the quality of their teaching, their engagement with research,
scholarship, and/or creative work, and any expansion of duties and
Statement/recommendation from the director/chair. The program
director/department chair may sign the committee report or include a
brief statement to support the committee’s findings in their report to the
dean that includes the process by which faculty at the same rank
reviewed the promotion.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Initial Appointment
Current CV.
3-5 letters of recommendation.
Teaching record/evaluations.
Written statement from candidate describing potential for success
teaching undergraduates, interest in curriculum design and innovative
pedagogies, past success in collaborating with colleagues and
managing academic programs, and record of scholarly or creative
achievement, or expertise in industry.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Reappointment at
same rank
Current CV.
Satisfactory faculty activity report reviewed by the department chair.
Teaching and service record since promoted or initial appointment
as full professor.
Evidence of excellent standing as an educator (e.g., presentations
at national conferences, strong record of publications on
pedagogical issues, course development, significant innovations to
existing and/or new curricula).
Written recommendation from the review committee that evaluates
the candidate’s contributions to department/program, the quality of
their teaching, their engagement with research, scholarship, and/or
creative work, and any expansion of duties and responsibilities.
Statement/recommendation from the director/chair. The program
director/department chair may sign the faculty committee report or
include a brief statement to support the committee’s findings in
their report to the dean that includes the process by which faculty
at the same rank reviewed the reappt.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’
proposed duties.
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Initial Appointment
Current CV.
Teaching statement.
2-3 letters of recommendation to attest to teaching skills.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Reappointment at
same rank
Current CV.
Satisfactory faculty activity report reviewed by the department chair.
List of courses taught with enrollments, and course evaluations, peer
evaluation where appropriate.
Written recommendation from the review committee.
Statement/recommendation from the director/chair. The program
director/department chair may sign the faculty committee report or
include a brief statement to support the committee’s findings in their
report to the dean that includes the process by which faculty at the
same rank reviewed the reappt.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Promotion to Sr
Current CV.
2-3 internal letters from those at rank of Sr. Lecturer or higher to
attest to teaching skills and peer- based evaluation of teaching where
Written statement from candidate to describe continued
pedagogical development.
List of courses taught since with enrollments each year for the past 3
years and evaluations.
Written recommendation from the faculty review committee.
Statement/recommendation from the director/chair. The program
director/department chair may sign the committee report or include a
brief statement to support the committee’s findings in their report to
the dean that includes the process by which faculty at the same rank
reviewed the promotion.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Sr Lecturer
Initial Appointment
1. Current CV.
2. Teaching statement
3. 2-3 Letters of recommendation to attest to teaching and skills
4. Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Reappointment at
same rank
Current CV.
Satisfactory faculty activity report reviewed by the department chair.
List of courses taught with enrollments, and course evaluations, peer
evaluation where appropriate.
Written recommendation from the review committee.
Statement/recommendation from the director/chair. The program
director/department chair may sign the faculty committee report or
include a brief statement to support the committee’s findings in their
report to the dean that includes the process by which faculty at the
same rank reviewed the reappt.
Comments from the director/chair on the faculty members’ proposed
Job Code Job Code Descriptor
AS&E Functional Title - modify as
needed for named professorship,
administrative title, adjunct or
"Visiting" label is appropriate
for job code
Service (S) Specialty (Sp) Admin Level
0005 Asst Prof: TE, T, R, S
Assistant Professor TE, T, R, S Y Teach Research Service None None Assistant
0003 Assoc Prof: TE, T, R, S
Associate Professor TE, T, R, S Y Teach Research Service None None Associate
0001 Professor: TE, T, R, S
Professor TE, T, R, S Y Teach Research Service None None Full
0110 Asst Prof: T, S
Assistant Professor (Non-tenure) T, S N Teach No research Service None None Assistant
0111 Assoc Prof: T, S
Associate Professor (Non-tenure) T, S N Teach No research Service None None Associate
0012 Professor: T, S
Professor (Non-tenure) T, S N Teach No research Service None None Full
0021 Instruct: T, Qual
Lecturer T, Qual N N Teach No research No service None None Entry level
0019 Sr Instruct: T, Qual
Sr. Lecturer T, Qual N N Teach No research No service None None Specialist
0045 Instruct: T
Instructor (Add Adjunct when
T N Teach No research No service
None None Entry level
0043 Sr Instruct: T
Sr. Instructor (Add Adjunct when
T N Teach No research No service
None None Specialist
0041 Asst Prof: T
Assistant Professor (Add Adjunct
when appropriate)
T N Teach No research No service
None None Assistant
0039 Assoc Prof: T
Associate Professor (Add Adjunct
when appropriate)
T N Teach No research No service
None None Associate
0037 Professor: T
Professor (Add Adjunct when
T N Teach No research No service
None None Full
0009 Instruct: T, R, S
Instructor T, R, S N Teach Research Service None None Entry level
0007 Sr Instruct: T, R, S
Sr. Instructor T, R, S N Teach Research Service None None Specialist
0044 Instruct: T, S
Instructor T, S N Teach No research Service None None Entry
0010 Sr Instruct: T, S
Senior Instructor T, S N Teach No research Service None None Specialist
0049 Assoc Prof: T, R
Associate Professor T, R N Teach Research No service None None Associate
0061 Instruct: T, R
Instructor T, R N Teach Research No service None None Entry level
0059 Sr Instruct: T, R
Sr. Instructor. T, R N Teach Research No service None None Specialist
0057 Asst Prof: T, R
Assistant Professor T, R N Teach Research No service None None Assistant
0047 Professor: T, R
Professor T, R N Teach Research No service None None Full
0121 Active Researcher: R
Early Career Researcher or Research
R N Don't teach Research No service
None None Entry level
0063 Intermediate Researcher: R
Scientist R N Don't teach Research No service None None Specialist
0062 Advanced Researcher: R
Sr. Scientist R N Don't teach Research No service None None Assistant
0065 Expert Researcher: R
Research Associate R N Don't teach Research No service None None Associate
0064 Distinguished Researcher: R
Sr. Research associate R N Don't teach Research No service None None Full
0042 Asst Prof: R, S
Research Assistant Professor R, S N Don't teach Research Service None None Assistant
0040 Assoc Prof: R, S
Research Associate Professor R, S N Don't teach Research Service None None Associate
0038 Professor: R, S
Research Professor R, S N Don't teach Research Service None None Full
0053 Engineer: R, Qual
Research Engineer R, Qual N N Don't teach Research No service None None Specialist
0052 Sr Engineer: R, Qual
Sr. Research Engineer R, Qual N N Don't teach Research No service None None Full
0123 Faculty No Pay Appt
Appropriate title, such as Emeritus
Professor, or appropriate
corresponding rank at primary (home)
Limited N Don't teach No research No service
None None None
Job codes for those whose primary responsibility is teaching, and may have a component of service or research as indicated
Tenure track (eligible) job codes
Instructional Track job codes (See AS&E College Rules Appendix II)
Teaching Faculty job codes (for faculty whose primary responsibility is teaching and are usually full-time effort in AS&E with a year appt or longer.
Teaching Faculty job codes (for faculty whose primary responsibility is teaching, may have primary appt outside AS&E or the University. Assign 'adjunct' faculty type in most instances when
individual is teaching per semester, or may have primary appt outside AS&E (i.e., those who teach a summer course, grad students who are instructor of record, etc.)
Job codes primarily used for those hired into tenure-eligible positions and have not yet completed PhD requirements. Appt as full-time instructor until PhD is complete.
Job codes for those whose primary responsibility is research
Job codes for those whose primary responsibility is research and may have a component of service
Job codes for those whose primary responsibility is research. Terminal degree not always required.
Job code for faculty who have no expected effort although maintains a relationship with the University. (Has full-time, paid appt outside U of R and is here for a short time observing, those who
retire and need a no pay appt to maintain access to systems, Emeritus appointments that are unpaid.
Instructor of non-credit course
0122 Instructor: non-credit
Instructor. Limited N N Teach No research No service None None Entry level
Asst: T, Sp, Qual Clinical Asst T, Sp, Qual N N Teach No research No service Performance None Assistant
Assoc: T, Sp, Qual Clinical Associate T, Sp, Qual N N Teach No research No service Performance None Associate
Sr. Assoc: T, Sp, Qual Clinical Sr. Associate T, Sp, Qual N N Teach No research No service Performance None Full
Clinical Assistant, Associate Sr. Associate - Specific to Children's Institute
AS&E Faculty Rules, Appendix II
Revision dates:
Revision July 2019: Addition of suggested wording for internal referee letters and updated service
eligibility table, update eligibility within track and relationship to other non-tenure appointments.
Revision October 2019: Approved by AS&E Faculty Steering Committee and Faculty
Council Page 1: Clarification of appointments that range from 9 to 12 months.
Page 3: Relationship to other full-time non-tenure faculty
appointment titles Page 4: Annual review and
reappointment/promotion materials guidance|
Pages 6-7: Edits to Appendix A and B Committee service and appropriate conversions current
(instead of proposed from original revision document)
Revision February 2020: Inclusion of materials required for appointment, reappointment and promotion
to include already approved (current) process.
Revision August 2020: Add reappointment timeline, initial instructional track term three years, one
and two-year appt term non-renewal language
Revision January 2021: Inclusion of requirement of a faculty committee to review NTT faculty for reappointment
or promotion.
Revision August 2023: Clarification of materials needed for appointment, renewal, and promotion. Clarification of
renewal and promotion process.